hello everyone, you will be see everyone blospot account on blogger and they also earn money from blogspot. if you want to create a blogspot or word press account . blog is very easy way to share your experiences on it so, in this article i am gonna tell you about to create a blogspot account on blogger .
there are many free blogging platform where to write a blog like blogger or word press and wix. where you can create your own blog. and how to create a blog and make money i will also suggest to you that you do create your own blog with your own web hosting and domain name. if you are a blogger so create your free account on www.blogspot.com .first of all we will know what is blogging?, how to create a blog and make money . so let's start guide blogging:-

blogger is a platform to share your own experience on blog . you can create your blog on so many way like on blog spot, word press and also wix. create a free blog and make money online from blogs . it's also free for everyone. every person who can't afford money so they start blog from here free. so I am going to tell that create a blog on blogspot (step-by-step) so let's go ahead and read how to create a blog on blogspot:-
create free blog on blogspot (step-by-step guide)
you will be search on your browser www.blogspot.com and than you will come on first page of blogspot.com. and than login with your gmail account. after to login on blogspot.com you will see a option of ''new blog'' . you will be click on ''new blog''. after click on ''new blog'' option a second page will open. and he will ask three things to you.
- tittle
- address
- template
who will be tittle of column in that option you will be write your blog tittle. like if your blog name will be ''technological science'' so write this in that option. you will be write your tittle according to your topic.
Address is be like a blog URL. who will write you in address that will be URL of blog. you spend 500 to 600 Rs to register your blog new domain. you can buy domain from go daddy and other domain name provide websites. but now you can create a blog free here.
Also read:-
you can chose any template in ''template'' option. after you can change your template and upload other template also.
after done these three thing click on ''create blog'' option.
congratulations!!! your has created blog. but now you work has not end.
Basic setting of blogspot blog:-
a thought come in you mind that how to set up a blog site After create free blog spot blog is be necessary to do set of some settings or setting up a blog .
After create free blog spot blog you will come on dashboard of blog spot. Where you will see the backed of your blog. for this go on ''setting'' option and click ''improve your blog's visibility'' and change setting. according to you. When your blog is fully setup, then you can start writing posts. When you have some great posts on your blog After traffic comes, you can earn money by creating an Ad Sense account for free.
Also read:-
Note: - When you get good traffic on your blog, then you can earn money by creating your own AdSense account, if traffic is not coming on your blog, then you should not make your AdSense because this will not cause your AdSense approval.
how to design a blog:-
till now you will be learn that how to create a blog on blog spot .now for design a blog chose a theme for your blog according to your dreams and chose a good themes there is many theme on google who get you free. so chose one creative and effective theme among that theme
. it's rely free. for example:- if your blog is on news so chose news theme. i hope you understand how choose a theme? and another theme examples you can see my own blog and theme.which will you come a idea. and right now you can start your blog. you will apply theme on ''theme'' option. see in the screenshot.
Today we learned how to create a blog on blog spot, create free blog on blogspot , how to design a blog, and blog setting i hope you understand how to create a blog , guide blogging and other topic who did discuss today.
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