25 Facts about universe: interesting facts about universe......
everyone, do you know about universe. Right now how many planet in
universe? What are some interesting facts about universe? If you
want to read about universe and to know facts about universe. So continue
reading. Because Today I am going to tell you that what is
universe? And facts about universe or amazing facts about universe. So let's Started facts
about universe without waste any time:-
what is universe:-
First of all we will read about universe and after we'll read facts about universe. So, what is universe? The universe is called whole time and space and its contents. The universe contains all the planets, stars, galaxies, celestial bodies, the contents of the space between galaxies, non-cosmic particles, and all matter and all energy. so, now we will read about facts about universe or interesting facts about universe.Facts about universe or interesting facts about universe 1 to 10:-
Most milky way looks is like egg.
Earth is only one planet in our universe, where , is be solar eclipse.
Abell 2029 is the biggest milky way of universe.
The centre of our milky way of taste like raspberry and smell like rum.
After universe was hot but now it has gone childe slowly-slowly.
There is no voice in the space.
The cause of earthquake in Japan in 2011 , the day on earth has gone small 1.8 microseconds.
There is no centre for universe. Do you know that…
Space station is look like football ground.
Do you know that stars, satellite, and other affected everyone toward.
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Facts about universe or interesting facts about universe 11 to 20:-
Space travellers said that the dust of moon is soft and it smell like gun powder.
The nearest black hole from earth is far from earth 1600 Light years away.
There is strongest thing in the universe human brain .
You can’t believe that about 270 millions stars find every day according to astronomy.
Do you know that The far between stars about 21 million mile.
You know that the fastest about rotate thing of universe is neutron star.
Right now scientist has found many planet but most of planet are that mercury, mars, earth, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.. but earth is only one planet there is life. Although scientist are studying on mars planet.
The water discovery on moon India did.
You will be thinking that so many asteroid and comet comes on earth but no one comes in front of all of us. So, it’s a cause that …….
Most of asteroids and comet comes in the earth but these all destroyed from the layers of atmosphere. So that’s why dangerous asteroid and comet can’t come on earth surface.
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Facts about universe or interesting facts about universe 21 to 25:-
No one planet like earth in universe because that surround on earth no everywhere..
A also thing tell you that if someone try to step in so it not step in Saturn and many planet because that all made from gases…
The oldest star in our solar system is about 13.1 years old , named IS HE 1523-0901 . It is very huge and it’s colour is red.
Voyagar-1 space shuttle is the goes most far. which invented from human.
The light of the stars that we see shining in the sky takes many years to reach, that is, the light of the stars we are seeing now is not presently
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